“Daredevil” Season Two Premiere Opens with a “Bang”


What Happened: 

Daredevil picks up from what appears to be a few months after Matt and company got rid of Fisk and his evil doings. The plot is pretty simple, Fisk has left a power vacuum, and various gangs, mobs and criminals seem to be out to fill the empty spot left. At an Irish mob meeting to discuss their take over plan for Hells Kicthen, the mob gets shot up and everyone gets killed, except for one low level Irish mobster. Karen, Matt, and Foggy all do some investigative work which leads to Matt finding out the hit on the Irish mob was orchestrated by one man. 

The man who has not yet been revealed as The Punisher, goes after the surviving low level Irish mobster, who was being helped by Karen, Foggy and Matt. Karen gets stuck in the cross fire. Daredevil shows up just in time and an epic fight scene ensues on building tops, between Matt and this mysterious man. The Episodes ends with Daredevil being shot and falling off the ledge. 

Karen and Foggy Shine


The character interactions made this episode. Unlike last year, Karen and Foggy are quickly implemented into the story, and it gives the Daredevil world a bigger feel to it, adding a certain weight and danger to the story. Straight away both Karen’s and Foggy’s lives are put in danger, and it feels real and palpable. Both Foggy and Karen show their worth and bravery in a number of life and death situations, and cements the idea that you don’t need a mask and combat skills to be a bad ass hero. Karen, Foggy and Matt have built a wonderful family, they have each other, so it appears they can make it through anything. I’m certain a theme this season will be how this family of three will weather the shit storm that is heading towards Hells Kitchen and threaten everything they hold dear. 



Punisher Punishes 


With barely five words of dialogue the Punisher is a menacing figure already, his actions included shooting up multiple mob meetings. The Irish mob meeting shoot up was beautifully graphic and bloody, if that wasn’t enough of an intimidating factor , we then find out the Punisher hangs his mob prisoners and victims in his frozen meat locker, I’m already scared for Matt.  

The first of the showdowns this season between Daredevil and Punisher was marvelously choreographed, boy this show knows how to do action. Daredevil’s quick lighting moves, contrast nicely with the Punisher’s brutal and robotic moves, just as it seems Daredevil got the upper hand, a gun it puled out and the Punisher shoots Daredevil off the ledge of a building. 

Quick Sound bite Review:

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Daredevil season two got off to a very good start, although the story and premise was on the weak side, the development and inclusion of Foggy and Karen into the main plot straight away and the excellent introduction of the Punisher made this a great start. 

Rating: 8/10

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