My Top 5 Television Shows Of 2016

  1. “The Americans” This show continues to be one of the best television shows through its 4th season, with the show raising the stakes and taking chances with its characters and story that few TV shows would dare take. More importantly these new twist, character development and deaths are not done for pure shock… Continue reading My Top 5 Television Shows Of 2016

Avatar The Last Airbender

Series: Avatar The last Airbender Season: Book 1 "Water"   Episode: "The storm"     Avatar The Last Airbender is in my top three series I've had the pleasure of watching. Avatar Last Airbender, plus the "Legend Of Korra" make up the Avatar universe, and it is without a doubt my favorite universe, Star Wars,… Continue reading Avatar The Last Airbender

“Daredevil” Season Two Premiere Opens with a “Bang”

  What Happened:  Daredevil picks up from what appears to be a few months after Matt and company got rid of Fisk and his evil doings. The plot is pretty simple, Fisk has left a power vacuum, and various gangs, mobs and criminals seem to be out to fill the empty spot left. At an… Continue reading “Daredevil” Season Two Premiere Opens with a “Bang”

Arrow Gets Glen Winter Back in the Directing Chair

He is back! So Glen Winter is a legendary Director at the CW, having been responsible for a large sum of Smallville's direction, the Arrow pilot and a multitude of episodes, as well as The Flash pilot. So it is very exciting to see that he is back on arrow after a long vacation to… Continue reading Arrow Gets Glen Winter Back in the Directing Chair

Get Ready for “Daredevil” Season 2 with a Quick Recap

Netflix and Marvel blessed us with season two of Daredevil last night at 12:00 am ets , so log on to Netflix, beg for your friends password, ignore all the work you have to do, watch a few minutes at a time on your phone at work while NOT getting fired, but before all that… Continue reading Get Ready for “Daredevil” Season 2 with a Quick Recap

CW’s Arrow “Eleven-Fifty-Nine” Official Description

It appears as if the question of who is in the grave from Arrow's season premiere flash forward will finally have an answer. The CW has released an official description for the April 6 episode of Arrow, which will air at 8:00pm EST “Eleven-Fifty-Nine” is the title, and you can read the synopsis below. MALCOLM… Continue reading CW’s Arrow “Eleven-Fifty-Nine” Official Description

“Jane The Virgin”-Chapter Thirty Six Review: Near Perfection

Jane The virgin thrives on relationships, the exceptional relationships and characters on this show is what makes it good Television, so I'm happy to announce that the latest chapter of JTV was near perfection. Each relationship that was touched on dealt with real issues, and character reactions and behavior stayed true to who they are… Continue reading “Jane The Virgin”-Chapter Thirty Six Review: Near Perfection