“Jane The Virgin”-Chapter Thirty Six Review: Near Perfection

Jane The virgin thrives on relationships, the exceptional relationships and characters on this show is what makes it good Television, so I’m happy to announce that the latest chapter of JTV was near perfection. Each relationship that was touched on dealt with real issues, and character reactions and behavior stayed true to who they are and what the situation demanded; a beautiful balance was struck.

Xiomara and Alba Villanueva

The generational conflict that reared its head once again in this relationship was beautifully executed. This is an issue most everyone can understand, parent (older generation) and child (younger generation) disagreeing on societal and personal behavior norms. Xiomara finds out that her mother Alba had sex with another man before she got married, which releases anger and shame within Xiomara about her mothers lessons and sometimes torments about sex and waiting after marriage. Xiomara feels like her mother preached a standard she betrayed and felt shameful that she betrayed those lessons only to find out her mother did not hold herself to the same standard.

On Alba’s side she felt by holding Xiomara to such a standard she was trying to save her the shame she felt when she slept with a man she wasn’t married to. Its a very old tale of parent demanding something of their child that they thought was important only to find out that with the changing of time that demand is no longer applicable. Alba apologized, Xiomara understood and we got a beautiful reconciliation scene between the two Villanueva woman.



Jane and Micheal

It has been a few episodes and Jane and Micheal are back, back to the cute banter, back to Jane smiling and being happy, back to Micheal being the most considerate man on television. But there must be drama, this is not only television, its a Tela Novela. After discovering a few emails between Jane and Rafael, Micheal gets a little concerned and worried he might be left standing alone again as Jane decides to walk away from him. Jane decided to recreate the night she walked away, but this time she would stay, almost as an attempt to erase the bad memory for Micheal’s mind. But as the ever increasing logical Petra advises Jane, that moment happened for a reason. Which leads to an amazing speech from Jane to Micheal about moving forward and choosing him, which then leads to one of the most beautifully romantic cheesy proposals you will ever see on television, team Micheal or not if you are human this proposal should give you at least some moist eyes.

Petra and Jane Steal the Show

Gina Rodriguez (as Jane) and Yael Grobglas (as Petra) on Jane the Virgin

Jane and Petra

I can and would and want to watch a show of just Petra and Jane having adventures. These two characters are absolute gold together. Each having and offering something the other is lacking. Petra filling Jane with stanch realism of how certain things  should work and Jane giving Petra the optimism and hope needed to get through rough times.

The adventures of Jane and Petra concludes at the hospital where Petra has gone into labor and is about to give birth. There is a stretch of 7-10 minutes of just Petra and Jane, Petra in extreme pain, and Jane’s efforts to calm her down is comedic gold, culminating in Jane being the one person in the room when Petra gives birth to her and Rafael’s twins, the moment is raw, real, touching, extremely emotional and perhaps the best moment JTV has given us this season.


Other Random Thoughts:

The side arc of Rogelio being kidnapped by his crazy stalker fan is the most disturbing story JTV has ever done, but you wouldn’t notice because Rogelio character is a comedic force, there is not a situation that character cannot make funny, with an added side of heart and emotion

I’m glad they decided to give Rafael something to do and stop his character spiraling down the dark hole, putting him on the case with Micheal maybe the road to recovery for his character.



The real, and believable drama, the entertaining side story of Rogelio, the focus on characterization and the paring of Petra and Jane gave Jane The Virgin some of its best moments of the series and its best episode of the season.

Rating: 10/10

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